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/Frequently Asked Questions

Some of you have more questions. We know you do. So here are a few we think will get asked.

Is this a Cult?

Short Answer: No.

Long Answer: Still no. But if you want to give us all your money and your undying adoration for donating our time to organize this sucker, we will be suitably flattered.

Can anyone sign up for this Retreat?

Answer: Sadly, no. Right now this Retreat (not a cult) is by invitation only. This is not because we are trying to be mean. It's largely the result of having limited space for the lodging and for some of the activities. Hopefully, our next retreat (and yes this is probably going to be a reoccuring thing) will have more space and we will be able to answer this question next time with a resounding "yes!"

Are there any rules for those who do want to attend?

Short Answer: Yes.

Long Anwer: So far, we basically came up with 2 rules. 

Rule #1: No whining. We can't control if it rains, or if your hotel mattress isn't firm enough, or if some guy keeps hitting on you at the beach and won't let you write. So please don't make us feel bad for things we can't control.

Rule #2: Be Nice. This one is hard sometimes, we know. But we ask that you be nice to the other participants, hotel staff...and of course be nice to your organizers. And we'll try really hard to be nice back. *grin*





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